Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Halloween & Weather

I hope that you all had a wonderful Halloween! It is strange being someplace that knows about the holiday (or at least recognizes the word) but does not celebrate it.

I knew that I wanted to teach my students a little about Halloween, but I was stuck for ideas. I mean I didn’t have the supplies that one would normally find in a classroom in the States (I mean it was a big task to find glue and scissors one day). I didn’t even have access to Halloween candy or decorations. Luckily, Tara came up with the wonderful idea of having mummy races.

I taught some vocabulary first (I wanted to make sure that they KNEW what a mummy was before they actually had to make one). They were pretty familiar with some of the words…spider (from Spiderman), Dracula, bat, and a few even knew mummy. I then made them get into groups of 4-5 and the fun began…

My classes were actually on Tuesday & Thursday so I didn’t have anything scheduled for the holiday itself…which meant that when I woke up freezing & saw that it was raining outside, I called and told them that I wouldn’t be coming in today. I sooo did not want to ride my bike in that rain. Instead, I spent the day in a sweatshirt & pants, huddled under all of the blankets I could find, watching movies on my computer. Not a bad way to spend the day (except for the freezing part).

Speaking of weather, the cold season has officially reached Thailand. Which means that instead of 90 degree weather, we now have weather in the 70’s. Now in Montana, 70 degrees means shorts, but here in Thailand it means sweaters & coats (someone even mentioned seeing a sale on scarves & hats). The days are actually really nice (when it’s not raining or they don’t have the a/c on in the office)…it’s the nights that get me.

It’s actually a bit like camping…you know those mornings where you don’t want to get out of your sleeping bag because it is so cold out there (in fact you kept your clothes in your sleeping bag so that they wouldn’t be cold in the morning when you had to get dressed). Well, that’s what it’s like here. I just have to say that I am SO glad that I bought that hot water heater!

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