Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I can’t wait to get home and take a shower! Why, you may ask…No I did not trip and fall into a puddle of mud…my hot water heater got installed today!!!!!!!!!!!!

I actually bought the thing on Friday, but after looking at the directions decided that it was too complex for me (it’s electric and I didn’t want to be electrocuted). So as much as it pained me to do, I set it aside to ask for some help.

Yesterday, a guy from my work came to my house to install my water heater. This actually made me a little nervous as other volunteers told us that as a female I would not be left alone with a man…at all. A couple of ladies came with him, but they only stayed for about an hour as they had work to do. So I had to open all of my windows and doors so that people could look in and make sure that things were ok (hopefully my reputation is not damaged too much…one volunteer had a teen come up to her and ask her how much it cost to sleep with her after she had a male friend come and visit her). We were there for most of the day yesterday and when 4:30 rolled around he still wasn’t finished so had came back this morning to finish and I now have a working (I hope) water heater! And you don’t know how much crap the people at my office have been giving me for buying a water heater! “You don’t like cold showers every day?” Um…no. “Does everyone in Montana take a hot shower?” Everyone in the US takes a hot shower. And it went on and on…I think that they like to pick on me a bit.

I am going to go off on a slight tangent here (you will see why soon) and explain to you about the farang males (western males) in Thailand. If you are a single male and you come to Thailand to visit, be expected to be asked if you like Thai women (meaning do you want a Thai wife) and don’t be too surprised if you receive a few marriage proposals. I think that it started with the Vietnam War when the soldiers would come to Thailand on their brake and ended up marrying a Thai woman. Today you walk down the street in any large city and you will see an old, fat, balding, gross man walking hand-in-hand with a gorgeous Thai woman. Quite a few farang men come to Thailand and live like kings because their pension, while modest in their home country, is very large here in Thailand. So you see these old men with these beautiful wives have these huge houses that they only use two weeks out of the year when they come back to visit. And the Thai women get someone with a lot of money that will take care of their family. It is quite sad actually. So I was planning on warning all the men that come to visit to expect the question “Do you want Thai wife?”

But I wasn’t expecting to have to explain this to my little sister. You see, I brought a photo album with me to show my coworkers pics of my family. And apparently, the young guy that installed my water heater has a slight crush on my sis. He asked me about her all day today…”When is she coming to visit?” In December. “Does she have a boyfriend?” No, I don’t think so. “What is she studying in school?” I tried to explain that she was done with school but is thinking about going back, but I’m not sure if he understood. “What kind of books does she like to read?” I don’t think I could have answered this one even if he understood English (this entire conversation took place in Thai). So little sis, if you are reading this, don’t be surprised if you receive a marriage proposal (or two) when you come to visit!

So now, I am going to go home (with my damaged reputation) and take my first hot shower in two months. I may even “trip” in a puddle of mud and get myself nice and dirty to make it even more enjoyable!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well is he cute?? hahaha!!